Canvas animation
- window.requestAnimationFrame is prefered way to perfom game loop animations and keep 60fps
- game loop actions:
- present the user(s) with a situation
- accept their input
- interpret those signals into actions
- and calculate a new situation resulting from those acts
- game main-loop types:
- turn-based - doesn't demand a constant update every frame, only when the player reacts
- once-per-frame - each frame of animation progresses the cycle and any change in user input is caught at the first available turn
<div id="game"></div>
<canvas id="canvas" width="360" height="480" style="border:1px solid #000000;"></canvas>
// check requestAnimationFrame is available, or use timeout:
// window.requestAnimFrame = (function (callback) {
// return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
// window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
// window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
// window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
// window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
// function (callback) {
// window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
// };
// })();
// leading semicolon marks the beginning of our new line if the previous one was not empty or terminated
;(function () {
var MyGame = {
frames_div : "frames",
frames : 0,
frames_limit : 600,
rAF : null,
lastTick : 0, // track of the last update time, always increments by tickLength
lastRender : 0, // track of the last provided requestAnimationFrame timestamp
tickLength : 1000/60, // OR set your simulation to run at 50 = 20Hz(50ms) = 20fps // align fps to tick updates ?
create : function(){
document.getElementById('game').innerHTML =
'Game Frames: <span id="'+this.frames_div+
'"></span><br/>Module Counter: <span id="'+this.module.counter_div+
update : function(){ // should update actions for one tick in this case
render : function(){
document.getElementById(MyGame.frames_div).innerHTML = MyGame.frames;
cancel : function(){
document.getElementById('game').innerHTML = 'Game with '+this.frames_limit+' frames has ended...';
module : {
counter_div : "mc",
counter : 0,
update : function(){
if(( % 60) == 1){
render : function(){
document.getElementById(this.counter_div).innerHTML = this.counter;
init : function() { // give access to module to game values = this;
delete this.init;
return this;
function MyGameTicksUpdates(numTicks) {
for(var i=0; i < numTicks; i++) {
MyGame.lastTick = MyGame.lastTick + MyGame.tickLength; //Now lastTick is this tick.
MyGame.update( MyGame.lastTick );
var tFrame_store = 0;
var wpn_store = 0;
function main(tFrame) {
MyGame.rAF = window.requestAnimationFrame(main);
if(MyGame.frames == MyGame.frames_limit) { MyGame.cancel() }
// MyGame.update();
// MyGame.render();
var nextTick = MyGame.lastTick + MyGame.tickLength;
var numTicks = 0;
//If tFrame < nextTick then 0 ticks need to be updated (0 is default for numTicks).
//If tFrame = nextTick then 1 tick needs to be updated (and so forth).
//Note: As we mention in summary, you should keep track of how large numTicks is.
//If it is large, then either your game was asleep, or the machine cannot keep up.
// todo : Add pause processing here ?
if (tFrame > nextTick) {
// if more then a tickLength passed, detect and perform update actions of passed time
var timeSinceTick = tFrame - MyGame.lastTick;
numTicks = Math.floor( timeSinceTick / MyGame.tickLength );
MyGame.lastRender = tFrame;
// time between animation ticks
' - ',
(tFrame - tFrame_store),
' --- ',,
' - ',
( - wpn_store)
tFrame_store = tFrame;
wpn_store =;
MyGame.lastTick =;
MyGame.lastRender = MyGame.lastTick;//Pretend the first draw was on first update
MyGame.create(); // setInitialState(); // tasks that are leftover before the mainloop must run
main(; // Start the cycle
// el.addEventListener("touchstart", handleStart, false);
// el.addEventListener("touchend", handleEnd, false);
// el.addEventListener("touchcancel", handleCancel, false);
// el.addEventListener("touchmove", handleMove, false);
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