Video example

video with a CG battle

Outer controls



currentTime :
ended :
muted :
mediaGroup :

    <figure id="videoContainer">
          width="300" height="200"
          controls autoplay
          <source src="video/battle.mp4" type="video/mp4">
          <source src="video/battle.webm" type="video/webm">
          <source src="video/battle.ogg" type="video/ogg">
          <track src="subtitles_en.vtt"
              value="true" />
              value="transparent" />
              value="controlbar=over&image=img/poster.jpg&file=flash-player.swf?videoUrl=video/battle.mp4" />
              alt="Tears of Steel poster image"
              title="No video playback possible, please download the video from the link below" />
          <a href="video/battle.mp4">Download MP4</a>
      <figcaption>video with a CG battle</figcaption>

    <h3>Outer controls</h3>
    <button onclick="playPause()">Play/Pause</button>
    <button onclick="makeBig()">Big</button>
    <button onclick="makeSmall()">Small</button>
    <button onclick="makeNormal()">Normal</button>

    readyState: <span id="rs"></span>
    networkState: <span id="ns"></span>
    seeking: <span id="seek"></span>
    buffered: <span id="buffered"></span>
    currentTime : <span id="ct"></span>
    duration: <span id="duration"></span>
    loop: <span id="loop"></span>
    volume: <span id="volume"></span>
    currentSrc: <span id="src"></span>
    preload: <span id="preload"></span>
    playbackRate: <span id="pr"></span>
    defaultPlaybackRate: <span id="dpr"></span>
    paused: <span id="paused"></span>
    ended : <span id="ended"></span>
    muted : <span id="muted"></span>
    mediaGroup : <span id="mg"></span>
    <!-- error.code : <span id="err"></span> -->

    <div id="vid_events">

    var myVideo = document.getElementById("video");
    var playPause = () => { (myVideo.paused) ? : myVideo.pause(); }
    function makeBig() { myVideo.width = 600; }
    function makeSmall() { myVideo.width = 150; }
    function makeNormal() { myVideo.width = 300; }

    ;(function () {
      var video = document.getElementById("video");
      video.loop = 0;
      video.currentTime = 5;
      video.volume = 0.86;
      video.playbackRate = 2;
      video.defaultPlaybackRate = 2;
      video.mediaGroup = "video";
      rs = document.getElementById("rs");
      ns = document.getElementById("ns");
        switch(video.networkState) {
          case 0: rs.innerHTML = "0 = HAVE_NOTHING"; break;
          case 1: rs.innerHTML = "1 = HAVE_METADATA"; break;
          case 2: rs.innerHTML = "2 = HAVE_CURRENT_DATA"; break;
          case 3: rs.innerHTML = "3 = HAVE_FUTURE_DATA"; break;
          case 4: rs.innerHTML = "4 = HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA"; break;
          default: rs.innerHTML = "???";
        switch(video.networkState) {
          case 0: ns.innerHTML = "0 = NETWORK_EMPTY"; break;
          case 1: ns.innerHTML = "1 = NETWORK_IDLE"; break;
          case 2: ns.innerHTML = "2 = NETWORK_LOADING"; break;
          case 3: ns.innerHTML = "3 = NETWORK_NO_SOURCE"; break;
          default: ns.innerHTML = "???";
        document.getElementById("seek").innerHTML = (video.networkState) ? "1" : "0";
        document.getElementById("buffered").innerHTML =
          "Start: " + video.buffered.start(0) + " End: "  + video.buffered.end(0) +
          " Length: "  + video.length;
        document.getElementById("ct").innerHTML = video.currentTime;
        document.getElementById("duration").innerHTML = video.duration;
        document.getElementById("loop").innerHTML = (video.loop) ? "1" : "0";
        document.getElementById("volume").innerHTML = video.volume;
        document.getElementById("src").innerHTML = video.currentSrc;
        document.getElementById("preload").innerHTML = video.preload;
        document.getElementById("pr").innerHTML = video.playbackRate; // 1.0, -1.5, ...
        document.getElementById("dpr").innerHTML = video.defaultPlaybackRate;
        document.getElementById("paused").innerHTML = video.paused;
        document.getElementById("ended").innerHTML = video.ended;
        document.getElementById("muted").innerHTML = video.muted;
        document.getElementById("mg").innerHTML = video.mediaGroup;
        // document.getElementById("err").innerHTML = video.error.code;

      var ve = document.getElementById("vid_events");
      video.onwaiting = () => { ve.innerHTML += "Wait! I need to buffer the next frame"; };
      video.oncanplay = () => { ve.innerHTML += "Can start playing video"; };
      video.oncanplaythrough = () => { ve.innerHTML += "Can play through video without stopping"; };
      video.ondurationchange  = () => { ve.innerHTML += "The video duration has changed"; };
      video.onvolumechange = () => { ve.innerHTML += "The volume has been changed"; };
      video.ontimeupdate = () => { ve.innerHTML += "The playing position has changed"; };
      video.onsuspend = () => { ve.innerHTML += "Loading of the media is suspended"; };
      video.onstalled = () => { ve.innerHTML += "Media data is not available"; };
      video.onseeking = () => { ve.innerHTML += "Seek operation began"; };
      video.onseeked = () => { ve.innerHTML += "Seek operation completed"; };
      video.onratechange = () => { ve.innerHTML += "The playing speed of the video was changed"; };
      video.onratechange = () => { ve.innerHTML += "The playing speed of the video was changed"; };
      video.onprogress = () => { ve.innerHTML += "Downloading video"; };
      video.onplaying = () => { ve.innerHTML += "The video is now playing"; };
      video.onloadstart = () => { ve.innerHTML += "Starting to load video"; };
      video.onloadedmetadata = () => { ve.innerHTML += "Meta data for video loaded"; };
      video.onloadeddata = () => { ve.innerHTML += "Browser has loaded the current frame"; };
      video.onerror = () => { ve.innerHTML += "Error! Something went wrong"; };


Video formats media types

File Format Media Type
MP4 video/mp4
WebM video/webm
Ogg video/ogg

Audio example

MarioBros soundtrack

Outer controls



currentTime :
ended :
muted :
mediaGroup :

    <figure id="audioContainer">
      <audio id="audio" controls>
        <!-- <source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> -->
        <source src="flappy/bg.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
        Your browser does not support the audio element
      <figcaption>MarioBros soundtrack</figcaption>

    <h3>Outer controls</h3>
    <button onclick="audioPlayPause()">Play/Pause</button>

    readyState: <span id="a_rs"></span>
    networkState: <span id="a_ns"></span>
    seeking: <span id="a_seek"></span>
    buffered: <span id="a_buffered"></span>
    currentTime : <span id="a_ct"></span>
    duration: <span id="a_duration"></span>
    loop: <span id="a_loop"></span>
    volume: <span id="a_volume"></span>
    currentSrc: <span id="a_src"></span>
    preload: <span id="a_preload"></span>
    playbackRate: <span id="a_pr"></span>
    defaultPlaybackRate: <span id="a_dpr"></span>
    paused: <span id="a_paused"></span>
    ended : <span id="a_ended"></span>
    muted : <span id="a_muted"></span>
    mediaGroup : <span id="a_mg"></span>
    <!-- error.code : <span id="err"></span> -->

    <div id="audio_events">

    var audio = document.getElementById("audio");
    var audioPlayPause = () => { (audio.paused) ? : audio.pause(); }

    ;(function () {
      var audio = document.getElementById("audio");
      audio.loop = 0;
      audio.currentTime = 3;
      audio.volume = 0.86;
      audio.playbackRate = 1.1;
      audio.defaultPlaybackRate = 1.1;
      audio.mediaGroup = "audio";
      a_rs = document.getElementById("a_rs");
      a_ns = document.getElementById("a_ns");

        switch(audio.networkState) {
          case 0: a_rs.innerHTML = "0 = HAVE_NOTHING"; break;
          case 1: a_rs.innerHTML = "1 = HAVE_METADATA"; break;
          case 2: a_rs.innerHTML = "2 = HAVE_CURRENT_DATA"; break;
          case 3: a_rs.innerHTML = "3 = HAVE_FUTURE_DATA"; break;
          case 4: a_rs.innerHTML = "4 = HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA"; break;
          default: a_rs.innerHTML = "???";
        switch(audio.networkState) {
          case 0: a_ns.innerHTML = "0 = NETWORK_EMPTY"; break;
          case 1: a_ns.innerHTML = "1 = NETWORK_IDLE"; break;
          case 2: a_ns.innerHTML = "2 = NETWORK_LOADING"; break;
          case 3: a_ns.innerHTML = "3 = NETWORK_NO_SOURCE"; break;
          default: a_ns.innerHTML = "???";
        document.getElementById("a_seek").innerHTML = (audio.networkState) ? "1" : "0";
        document.getElementById("a_buffered").innerHTML =
          "Start: " + audio.buffered.start(0) + " End: "  + audio.buffered.end(0) +
          " Length: "  + audio.length;
        document.getElementById("a_ct").innerHTML = audio.currentTime;
        document.getElementById("a_duration").innerHTML = audio.duration;
        document.getElementById("a_loop").innerHTML = (audio.loop) ? "1" : "0";
        document.getElementById("a_volume").innerHTML = audio.volume;
        document.getElementById("a_src").innerHTML = audio.currentSrc;
        document.getElementById("a_preload").innerHTML = audio.preload;
        document.getElementById("a_pr").innerHTML = audio.playbackRate; // 1.0, -1.5, ...
        document.getElementById("a_dpr").innerHTML = audio.defaultPlaybackRate;
        document.getElementById("a_paused").innerHTML = audio.paused;
        document.getElementById("a_ended").innerHTML = audio.ended;
        document.getElementById("a_muted").innerHTML = audio.muted;
        document.getElementById("a_mg").innerHTML = audio.mediaGroup;
        // document.getElementById("err").innerHTML = audio.error.code;

      var aev = document.getElementById("audio_events");
      audio.onwaiting = () => { aev.innerHTML += "Wait! I need to buffer the next frame"; };
      audio.oncanplay = () => { aev.innerHTML += "can start playing"; };
      audio.oncanplaythrough = () => { aev.innerHTML += "can play through without stopping"; };
      audio.ondurationchange = () => { aev.innerHTML += "duration has changed"; };
      audio.onvolumechange = () => { aev.innerHTML += "volume has been changed"; };
      audio.ontimeupdate = () => { aev.innerHTML += "playing position has changed"; };
      audio.onsuspend = () => { aev.innerHTML += "loading is suspended"; };
      audio.onstalled = () => { aev.innerHTML += "media data is not available"; };
      audio.onseeking = () => { aev.innerHTML += "seek operation began"; };
      audio.onseeked = () => { aev.innerHTML += "seek operation completed"; };
      audio.onratechange = () => { aev.innerHTML += "playing speed was changed"; };
      audio.onratechange = () => { aev.innerHTML += "playing speed was changed"; };
      audio.onprogress = () => { aev.innerHTML += "downloading"; };
      audio.onplaying = () => { aev.innerHTML += "now playing"; };
      audio.onloadstart = () => { aev.innerHTML += "starting to load"; };
      audio.onloadedmetadata = () => { aev.innerHTML += "meta data for loaded"; };
      audio.onloadeddata = () => { aev.innerHTML += "browser has loaded the current frame"; };
      audio.onerror = () => { aev.innerHTML += "Error! Something went wrong"; };


Audio formats media types

File Format Media Type
MP3 audio/mpeg
Ogg audio/ogg
Wav audio/wav




    <svg width="100" height="100">
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    <svg width="400" height="100">
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Several lines: First line. Second line.

    <svg height="90" width="200">
      <text x="10" y="20" style="fill:red;">Several lines:
        <tspan x="10" y="45">First line.</tspan>
        <tspan x="10" y="70">Second line.</tspan>
I love SVG

    <svg height="60" width="200">
      <text x="0" y="15" fill="red" transform="rotate(30 20,40)">I love SVG</text>

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Normal Multiply Screen Darken Lighten

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          <text x="50" y="90" filter="url(#normal)">Normal</text>
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          <text x="50" y="270" filter="url(#screen)">Screen</text>
          <text x="50" y="360" filter="url(#darken)">Darken</text>
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        <text fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="black" font-size="45" font-family="Verdana" x="52" y="76">SVG</text>

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It's SVG!

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